February 2021 – The community in Clonmany suffered a very traumatic flood in 2017. This had a huge economic impact on the community and not just to those whose houses were affected. Damage to the community centre, the waste water treatment plant, the road and bridges all impacted on the community. Even if you live at the top of the catchment the impact spreads to everyone.
The village of Clonmany has flooded many times in the past and suffered from devastating landslides. The very nature of the catchment with it’s magnificent scenery means the area is prone to flash flooding. With changing weather patterns there is likely to be more storms and more droughts. Our land and our rivers need to be more resilient to these changes and nature is our best solution.
Everyone in the catchment has a part they can play by letting the flood experts walk your rivers to learn more about how they work, to hosting a flow metre or checking water levels, to installing a measure on your land or volunteering to build and monitor a measure. Call us to chat about how you help. This will be a true community effort.
Anyone who wishes to engage in the project can contact the Landowner Liaison Officer Mark Davenport on 083 812 3218 or on Mark@inishowenriverstrust.com.