15th January 2022 – The NFM Clonmany project is almost complete. This project was the first community based project of it’s kind in Ireland and has exceeded expectations in terms of our build. We will continue to monitor the dams and see how much of a difference they are making to alleviate flooding.
But what more can we do and what does the community want? To answer these questions we are holding an online discussion called ‘What next?’ on 28th January 2022. You can register on Eventbrite or email us directly for a link. The evening will give an overview of the project achievements and we will also be giving a sneak preview of the new video ‘The Night of the Big Flood’. Filmed as a series of interviews with those effected by the flood of August 2017 and featuring a number of Clonmany residents, the mini documentary will be released in the coming weeks.
Join us on Friday night 28th Jan @7pm.